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Ar-Ram, 07:00: Constant flow of cars
and pedestrians, especially many students headed to school.
Participating in the inspection (sporadically snuffing some large
bags) was a police DOG, which somewhat frightened some children.
One man had a "uniting families" certificate, the
validity of which was questioned. After the BP spoke to
headquarters, he was let through.

Qalandya, 08:00: Very quiet, a steady flow of people in two
undifferentiated lines. Marked presence of officers in discussion
with the volunteers, who apparently will soon be replaced by a new
group. He explained the policy: Teachers: all holders of one of
five types of teacher cards can pass unconditionally (he was
critical of this instruction). We saw him send back a woman holding
an evidently forged teacher's card. People without permits were led
back to the other side. Officer F. said he was trying to convince
his superiors to arrange for three lines - blue IDs, PA IDs, other
(passports, etc).