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Overview: General closureinfo-icon around
villages and cities. Heavy military activities were carried out by
Israeli army in the old city of Nablus. Scarce movement of people
and vehicles. Humanitarian cases can pass through checkpoints, as
can people going home, strictly defined by the address stated in
their ID.

Beit Furik, 08:20-09:10 am. The commander admitted that there were
many violent soldiers, and he himself threatened to leave his unit
if violent soldiers were not removed. He claims to have achieved
his goal. The commander said that in spite of the closure, water
and food supplies are allowed to pass, as well as humanitarian
cases. We saw two ambulances, which came to pick up ill people. The
checkpoint was very quiet, with only about 10 pedestrians
eastbound. 6 confiscated vehicles were parked nearby, including two
yellow taxis. Soldiers claimed that some were stolen and some were
confiscated for one week because of an "illegal"
checkpoint bypassing. Yesterday, Friday, at 12:00, two Salem
citizens argued about a minor road accident and one killed another
with a knife. The family of the murdered man wanted revenge by
killing somebody from the other family. Houses were put on fire (we
saw them burning). The Israeli army refused to intervene, yet
Palestinian policemen from Nablus were not allowed to arrive. This
is in violation of the Geneva convention, which compels occupying
forces to peacekeeping between citizens.