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A long line of about 150 pedestrians.
The soldiers were aggressive. All communication was delivered
through shouting and foul language. People of all ages were being
pushed and shoved by them. There were quit a few humanitarian
cases. One young man, heading home after a hernia operation, was
refused passage ("his papers are forged"). After standing
twice in line he nearly collapsed, and had to lay down while his
mother tried to revive him. With the help of a Palestinian doctor,
he finally passed. A mother with a child who underwent important
dental treatment was also refused. Everyone was subjected to the
most abusive verbal and physical treatment. The volunteer (an
elderly woman) was very encouraging towards all this behaviour.
Passing age for women was extended to over 35. We made many phone
calls to no avail, -- Saturday is a hard day for getting responses.
It was a frustrating exasperating shift.