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At the gas station, tens of
Palestinians returning from work are jumping over the wall
eastward. A few men and some women jump over in the other
direction. Border policemen present only at the gate. Not many
people are crossing and 2 border policemen do the checking. Mostly
blue IDs, but occasionally a green ID is also let in after a

Sawahre, 17:00. There were 3 BP jeeps and a military armoured car.
Some 8 border policemen hanging around, but only 2 doing the
checking of a constant flow of many tens of Palestinians workers
returning home, the same two for both directions. No IDs were
collected for a check. A few persons were refused crossing because
their address in their ID had changed. Some still managed their way
through. There was quite a lot of traffic (trucks, transits, a bus)
in both directions, which was checked briefly and rather
superficially. Private cars were sent back to go through checkpoint
300. We saw no detaineesinfo-icon, but were told by the border policemen
that every few hours they go on a hunt for those who try to go
around the checkpoint.