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07:00, Artach' checkpoint (250m. from
Tulkarm). The area was completely empty. A soldier said there is a
curfew, except for humanitarian case. One truck driver said he had
been waiting an hour before being told by the soldier that
back-to-back unloading starts only at 8:00 o'clock.

07:15, Jubara checkpoint (on the road to Avney-Chefetz). 6-7
soldiers on duty. There are few cars and about 20 people. The line
is hardly moving. We hear from passers by that every morning they
wait at least 2-3 hours. Three days ago, coming home at 16:00 they
had to wait till 21:00. Sometimes cannot return home because of
curfew. The orders are that only Jubara residents who appear on the
soldiers' list can get there.

08:00: Over 25 people waiting. A long line of cars, the end is out
of sight. It takes 35 second for a car to pass, 4 seconds for an
ambulance. About 10 boys of school-age with stuff to sell stand in
front of the line, hoping to get into Jubara. They won't take No
for an answer. Finally, the soldier says he will stop checking
until they go away. But the kids do not really care, so for a while
only cars are let through.

09:00 The line got very long. A soldier told us that at 12:00, the
checkpoint area will be for closed for the work on the wall.