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There was a roadblock between Ma'ale
Adumim and Eizariya, formed by a jeep. Pedestrians were being
checked on the side of the road. At 7:15AM there were about 10-15
cars. The checking was quick, so it took about 3 minutes to pass.
Some of the cars were let on their way without any checking, but
all the cars with Palestinian plates were sent back, including
taxis. There were no service cars. So the pedestrians had to walk a
longer distance to get there. Abu Dis: Even the new gate was
closed. Two soldiers on the roof of the gasoline station were
observing the scenery. At this end, the two meters high wall was
covered with wire. This was not the case near the mosque up to the
hotel. So people did climb over the wall at four different places.
One had to be very athletic to do so.