Sansana, Thu 13.3.08, Morning

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Nurit S, Tal E (reporting)


The parking lot is full with cars waiting for workers. The workers that pass the checkpoint tell us that the last few days were bad. We hear a lot of bitterness from everyone we speak with. They tell us about the slow passage, being late to work, dogs checking cars. There's also a specific story about a worker that his electric screwdriver seemed suspicious and was blown by the police. Among the complaining people is an Israeli driver (a Russian accent). We see Shlomi and approach him. According to him, everything is fine, no problems at all. Regarding the screwdriver he claims that the owner was given a form and was instructed to go to a police station and claim the compensation. In the Palestinian side there are a few tens of workers. They are also bitter but the passage is relatively fast.