'Anabta, Ar-Ras, Jubara (Kafriat), Mon 28.1.08, Afternoon

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Elisheva E., Bilha A. (reporting) Translation: Galia S.


13:30 – There are new soldiers here. Before opening the gate, we were asked to show documents. We showed a tag and also the sign on our vehicle.

A soldier confronted us at the Schoolchildren's Gate. He insisted that we stand in line and refuses to make a phone call to clarify the situation. He asks Nadin to identify himself but Nadin refuses and we do not give in. the soldier finally makes the call and we can hear what he is told: "Let them pass and do their work …"


There are no lines and the inspection is random.


14:15 – A long line on the way out of Tulkarm. It takes each car 10 minutes to pass, according to our check. There is no inspection at the entrance. A big white van pushes into the line and gets to the inspection post. He explains to the soldier the reason for his pushing in. he says that his younger brother had an accident and he is bringing him the documents. The soldier lets him pass right away. To the compliment we pay him he answers that he had no reason not to let him pass.