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Zaatara, Sarra, Huwwara, Beit Furik, Tuesday AM, 30 Dec 2003.MachsomWatch Observers: Ophira, Tamar. Mickie, Snait 07:30, Zaatara:2 buses and a few vans- checked out politely and at a reasonable pace. 07:45 - 08:50, Huwwara checkpoint: A hermetic closureinfo-icon [cordoning-off, restriction of movement] on the area and on each individual place.Very few people trying to get into Nablus, mainly to the hospital or because they live there. More people trying to get out to go to other places- because they live in Huwwara, in Jenin, came to attend and bury an elderly parent, etc. The soldiers' orders are to let in/out only in life-threatening cases and physicians. There were 4 IDF soldiers and a younger reservist DCO called Eran, all rather rigid and afraid to infringe any order/regulation etc.Can they decide who falls within that single permitted category? -- apparently not.Example: They wanted to turn away a woman with acute kidney inflammation case(she got in), and they did turn away an old diabetic woman after a retina operation. Eran the DCO turned out to be not very helpful, resenting the fact that he is being sent there, but also rather hostile towards us. Ofer came a bit later, did an amazing job with letting ambulances in and out at record speed, though with the normal thorough inspecting. Many cabs waiting about 500 m or a bit more from the CP in the direction of Huwwara Beit Furik:Under total enclosure 09.10, Sarra:Under total closure. no people around at all.The soldiers let an ambulance go to Nablus very quickly, but told us not to stay there because a 15 kg explosive charge was discovered in that area a couple of days ago. 09.30 Zaatara :A line of 3 buses, 3 trucks, 4 cabs 2 private cars and a couple of vans. Only the same two soldiers checking.( Buses take longest as all passengers have to get off, the driver has to have his papers checked and the bus itself is then searched)