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M., Y., A. D.The hours at the check point were hours that everything that could happened: a DCO officer, who speaks fluent Arabic, did not use sensible judgment, a very immature group of soldiers were bust chasing children, groups of detaineesinfo-icon that were held up for nothing, rumors of an attack in TA (that turned out to be a murder attempt of Ruzenshtain) caused lots of checking at the check point,rumors of shooting at the fence caused the soldiers to be stressed, settlers that cursed us, and more.....I will mention the main events:12:00 We arrived at the "children's gate" in Gbara after speaking to the head master at the school. He told us that the day before children were stuck for hours at the gate. At 12:30 a military jeep arrived and opened the gate. For the next half an hour a yellow taxi took group of children from the gate( about 50 kids). The soldiers refused to tell us if they would open the gate again that day.13:10 Jubara check pointWe were greeted by an officer named On that requested that we only talk to him. It seemed like a reasonable request and the soldiers kept repeating that they were not allowed to speak to us and that they were just following orders. On spoke to many people and heard their stories but did not really help them. The soldiers were busy chasing the children at the check point.We approached a group of detainees that were sitting in the sun. According to On, they were " shabahanikim"( security risk) because they came from Israel. On says that everyone who is not from Gbara, or is not a first degree relative is considered a security risk. On said that he called the police to come get the detainees for investigation, but it takes time because the army only has one bus in the area that can pick up all the detainees from the check points. We tried for three hours to speed up the process, we called the Moked and the army's humanitarian center, but we got the same answer: it is up to the police. among the detainees were elderly man, one very worried that if he is considered a "Shanah", he will not get a permit into Israel. All the detainees complained about hunger and fatigue.15:40 To our astonished eyes, we saw a soldier giving back all ID's to the detainees saying the police was not interested is them.The whole story was made up.... After less then half an hour a new group of detainees were held up. Their ID's taken and we gave them "moked" card. This time, according to the soldiers, they will all suffer because there was shooting by the fence.All in all there was a feeling that everything was very difficult and that no one could be believed, including the DCO representative.