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The old passage next to the gas station completely blocked. Passing is possible only up the hill, about 500m. away. There is a gate there. The transits moved up there too. On the other side chaos with the transits. Everybody complaining about the situation. No soldiers in sight. Back at the gas station we saw BPs. There were 2 detaineesinfo-icon. Their papers were being checked. A Palestinian was moving a new door through a crack in the wall. The BP officer told him to take it back, and move it via Maale Edomim. We pleaded, the guy pleaded, and in the end he was allowed to take his door across. 2 soldiers were ambushing the people who were jumping the wall next to the mosque. They made them all go back and go to the gate on top of the hill, including blue ID holders. At some point the army jeep that was patrolling stopped next to us and made the exhaust pipe work so we were covered with a mountain of dust.