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Abu Dis: A 52 year old, who thought all people over 50 were allowed into Jerusalem was standing on the western side of the wall, his ID taken by BP in a jeep, who drove away. He had been waiting for an hour or more before we came. When he was still there an hour later, we spoke to Ran Kravitz, who found out it was the Jerusalem BP and not the Abu Dis BP. The ID was finally returned at 1100. So the man had been waiting for about four hours.While talking to Kravitz, we suggested he come see the dangerous wall passage for himself, and as YE and RH later reported, he evidently did, at noon. On the other side of the wall were two BP jeeps. We asked one of the BP why he points his gun at people - he said he uses the viewfinder on his gun to look. We told him it looks as if he is about to shoot. As soon as they left, the yellow licence transits reappeared - apparently the BP do not want them to stand there, right behind the wall.Sawahre: The checkpoint was moved down, to the bend in the road where the gas pump is. We saw it only from a distance, as our driver, with yellow license plates, is not allowed to drive there. The cars seemed to be moving smoothly. We were told by the owners of the container/kiosk that they were ordered to move it 200 meter to an assigned location by Sunday - otherwise the army would take it away. They planned to do so on Saturday.Passengers in the transit spoke to us about the impossible situation in Abu Dis - they need special permits to leave the area and all the roads to the outside are closed - including the dirt roads (though they claimed that a case was won in court about reopening the road to the cemetery that is closed with a huge pile of dirt.) The transit drivers also told us about two transits that were confiscated that morning, for taking passengers who did not have the proper papers.