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The passage near the wall is now very difficult and perilous. There is a hole in the ground near the wall on the western side, new concrete blocks have been added on the top, and to pass people have to climb and pass a very narrow passage (about 10 cm) until they can jump the wall. We were told that yesterday some people fell and three of them had to be hospitalized. Older people and women were particularly afraid to pass. During our shift a young woman and a boy fell (it is about a 2m fall!!). Fortunately nothing serious happened to them. We contacted Ran Kravitz, and complained about the precarious conditions. He is willing to meet us for a discussion. BP soldiers were checking IDs just near the perilous passage. They were indifferent to the difficulties of the people. "We're doing them a favor by letting them through at all". There is a another way to pass, but from the Western side of the wall it took us between 15 to 20 minutes to walk there, or a cab will bring you there for 2.5 NIS. At around 6.45AM, a BP jeep was making a lot of noise, just to bring food to the soldiers. 5 people had been detained for about 2 hours, and then sent back to the Eastern side of the wall. Now even a family reunion document from the Israeli Ministry of Interior no longer suffices to pass, people need a pass from the army itself.A crew from England was filming at the wall.