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A temporary checkpoint ("for the holidays") at the turn from the mount of olives to the temple mount, a truck carrying stones is turned back there.Abu Dis: Pedestrian movement across the break in the wall is comparatively brisk. Children streaming past on their way to school. One soldier, calm and polite, explains there's a curfew, and only humanitarian workers can pass. Five or six teachers stand frustrated for a while, then leave. When we walk up towards the "hotel" a young man, MA, reports that a friend was beaten up by the border patrol soldiers a day earlier in an empty house, after being recognized for having gone past the wall illegally. We take the details. Beyond the "hotel" there was a long ditch that seems to be the beginning of another part of the future fence. This looks like it will be permanent, as the ditch was a very deep, long, and narrow.The "Passover Sign" that Machsom Watch put up the day before, is gone.