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Today we were welcomed by the taxi drivers with the news that the soldiers were changed and everything is different. Taxi drivers are not badly treated at all ,nobody cares who is in the transit, if he has a green or blue id The concrete barricades are open in two places and no soldiers can be seen at all in the place . Lots of pedestrians walking through and not being checked. In the corner near the gas station, there were 3 border police and one in the lookout (it seemed that he was asleep). The soldiers checked only the id’s of the people going through this point and wrote their numbers. Everybody was allowed to go through. The “market “ close to the wall is a successWe walked to the University, where crossing was very easy today : bus 36 operating from Jerusalem to the barricade, and from the other side of the barricade to Sawahre is running quite regularly.(as we saw and also were told by people).