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E-Ram: smooth passage of pedestrians and vehicles. Thanks to M.'s intervention, a young woman with a babyinfo-icon, apparently on her way to a doctor's appointment, who had previously been denied entry was allowed to pass.Qalandya: already at the Southern part of the checkpoint we were greeted by the soldiers with hostility. We went up North immediately. Y.'s assignment to help trace the ID driver's license of taxi drivers S. and A., was extremely hard to carry out, since nobody was willing to tell us who and where the commander of the checkpoint was. An extremely unpleasant reserve soldier threatened to stop checking people in case we weren't going to stand at a greater distance. As far as we could tell from where we were standing, he otherwise seemed to do his work in an o.k. way. A woman volunteer who came across as the most cooperative person there, finally talked to the commander, who wasn't willing to communicate with us. In the end, Y. called Shadi who gave us his assistant Eytan's number. The latter promised to help, and to our great surprise, an hour and a half later he called us back, saying that the ID had been found and returned to the checkpoint. Ironically, it was given to Yair, the commander who had refused to talk to us. As has been verified since, it was indeed given back to S. However, it was impossible to trace A.'s confiscated license, since he had not recorded the military jeep's number whose crew took it away.When three of us went a little further North, the unfriendly reserve soldier yelled, "that's forbidden!". To our amusement, there immediately erupted an argument among the soldiers, one of them shouting, "Who says it's forbidden?".Quite a number of people were carrying heavy bags and suitcases in both directions, while only very few porters were available to help them. Apart from one passionate outburst of hatred towards all Israelis by a taxi driver, people's attitude towards us was friendly and welcoming.Several people were seen coming in via "Tora-Bora" unhindered.