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E-Ram - low traffic, four soldiers argued between themselves letting or not letting a couple pass. The man with blue ID had to get a dialysis treatment. The woman, handicapped, with green ID had a letter from the hospital that she must join him. The soldiers didn't decided what to do. After we spoke with them they released them immediately.No students or schoolchildren at the checkpoint.Sunny 2000 down on the muddy road two soldiers running after people trying to avoid the checkpoint. Very tense atmosphere.Qalandya:Tora Bora crowded with cars and two soldiers checking arbitrarily the drivers from north to south. Begale sellers was moved from the checkpoint in order to let the traffic move easily. The two soldiers started to talk to us, asking what we are doing here and explaining what they are doing here. They were ambivalent about us and about their work as well.At the north checkpoint three volunteers, two elderly men and one young woman. One of the men was very hostile and order us to leave the place. Three detaineesinfo-icon with blue ID's that tried to avoid the checkpoint. Soldiers told us that they are punishing them and in one, or in half an hour will release them.