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DateOn the road to Abu Dis, near the old city about 15 detaineesinfo-icon. The checkpoint in Abu Dis has been moved upper, near the Paz gas station, there soldiers stop transits and check the identity cards of the travelers, occasionally also of pedestrians. In Abu Dis some people jump over the wall, other pass where the university is. Some soldiers moved down towards the wall, and then up the hill, where new high metal fences have been built, instead of the cement blocks. The soldiers checked id cards of pedestrians. When we arrived, there were two detainees. One of them was sent home after half an hour, because he did not have a valid permit. We were said that the second man appeared in one of the “wanting” lists, therefore they checked him, and was not released. He told us he was a student at Muqassad hospital. The soldiers made him stand for a while facing the wall, then they allowed him to sit, ordered him to stand, sit again, cross to the other side of the sidewalk, back again, sit, stand, and so on for more than an hour. Though one of the soldiers tried to be friendly and offered him water. After more than an hour, a military jeep came, arrested him and drove him away. We called the moked, but they could do little, since we had only his name and not his id number . We tried to talk to him, but the soldiers told us not to talk to the detainees.On our way back, we stopped where the transits are parked. There was a group of about 10 students from the Muqassad hospital, who waited to pass through, to the hospital. One of the drivers told us that the soldiers do not let them pass. We told them that the soldiers have left. Speaking with the drivers, we wrote down the complaints of drivers which transits were confiscated during the last week.