Hebron, Sansana, South Hebron Hills, Sun 25.11.07, Morning

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Lea S., Didi (reporting)
Seriously? Does this make us safer?

7:00- 10:30


Sansana- Meitar CP (07:00) – empty. Cars on both sides but all the workers have passed.


Route 60


Dura-al Fawwar crossing, Sheep’s crossing, Shiukh – Hebron crossing, Sair-East Halhul - people passing.



In Hebron things are different.

During the night settlers broke into Kordova School, throw rocks on the path leading to the school and all the plants in the garden.

The soldiers, there post only 10 meters away, say the didn't hear anything. Are they really so indifferent? Or are they afraid of the criminals how did this?

After about an hour we leave, with no answers from the police about the way they will take care of the matter.

'Machpela' Cave – one young man is released moments after we arrive. The soldier refuses to answer how long he was detained.