Barta'a-Reihan, Tura-Shaked

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Vera M., Roni S. (reporting)


15.20. Turah-Shaked checkpoint

A van loaded with pipes and planks is waiting at the entrance to the checkpoint coming from the seamline zone. Its driver is being checked and on his return he replied to my question, that he wasn’t sure they would let him pass his ‘load.’ The load was not checked and he passed without a problem.


Very few people pass into the West Bank at this hour.  Most arrive by taxi, returning from work in the seamline zone.  Only a few pass in the opposite direction – from the Palestine Authority.  The soldiers are bored and come to ask us who we are and why we are there. They are not all that interested in our reply.


15.45 Barta’a checkpoint

In the upper parking lot there are far fewer cars than in the morning, because workers are now returning home.  The minibuses and vans spill out crowds of workers who rush down the ‘sleeveinfo-icon’  towards the entrance. The kiosk that hums with business in the morning is now shut.


People having permits to enter Israel (mostly for ploughing) sign with a fingerprint and continue on. 3 machines are now working and people wait only 2-3 minutes.


People with permits to Barta’a and the seamline zone have to show their permits and this, according to one worker, takes longer.


16:15. We saw very many young people returning from work and hurrying home.

A few women with little children passed in the opposite direction, from the PA to the seamline zone.


16:35.  Routine …..


We drive home.