Dura-Al Fawwar Junction, Hebron, South Hebron Hills, Susiya

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Yael A., Zipi (reporting), M., Driver and Interpreter; Translation: Hanna Kahana

Tish'a be-Av

While we cross the Yatir Passage towards Hebron, it is already 11 o'clock. The parking lot is full of Palestinian cars, that's to say that it is a working day, as usual.

Road no. 60 to Hebron is quite desolate. Most of the vehicles who travelled on this road had the Palestinian Authority's number plates. On the road we noticed that the intersections were open, and that in some the tamarindi vendors took the place of our soldiers. A nice view, for a change.

We passed by the Sham'a settlement and there the preparation of the ground for building, advances very rapidly.


El-Pawwar-Dura Intersection – two armoured jeeps of the police parked at the intersection.


We arrived at Shuyukh – the intersection was empty.


Hebron – The cabin on the top of the hill (the Avihay Hill) has disappeared.

At Hebron it is quiet. Few Palestinian pedestrians, and soldiers who looked for shade away from the blazing sun.


Susiya – We visited the tent that was set up for visitors. Azam talked Hebrew and was translated in English, for a big group which had arrived with a representative of "Shovrim Shtika" (Breaking the Silence).