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Maya L., Meira W. (reporting)

05:05 Arrived to an orderly, calm waiting hall. All 5 gatesinfo-icon were open. People were going through quickly and quietly

We spent  time chatting to the EAPPI representative, a friendly man form Australia

05:45 Suddenly the atmospher in the hall changed dramatically into a thronging, noisy, boisterous crowd. A number of the younger men climbed high up on the fence at the entrances to the gates, whistling & heckling broke out. The police tried to calm the crowds, to no avail

All 3 of us became anxious.
I spoke  to the police asking them to open the gates more frequently and for a longer period of time which would hopefully disperse the crowd and reduce the tension. The  police were reluctant to do this but the effect was felt.

The humanitarian gate was opened as required from 06:45 which further reduced the tension in the hall

07:10 we left an almost empty but noisy hall and returned to Jerusalem