Hebron, South Hebron Hills

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Natanya (photographing), Michal (reporting)ף Translator: Charles K.

Apprehensively and with hesitation we embarked on our shift because on the same day there were reports that wanted persons were being sought in Hebron.


We consulted with a local acquaintance who said we could come, just to be careful near Beit Hadassah.

Because we started in the late afternoon the activity was over and we saw only its aftermath.

Everything was normal at the Meitar checkpoint. Highway 60 was also empty along its entire length.


Hebron appeared normal. Even the paratroopers wore athletic gear for their morning run on Shuhadah Street.

Next to the Tarpat checkpoint which is being renovated a prisoner van was parked. It appeared empty. We drove to Tel Rumeida to see at close hand the “Archaeological Park” growing there. It’s really a large area and stretches to the house Michael built where our friend Tzippi had lived. The piles of stones, sand and gravel on site are evidence of the construction momentum. We can’t avoid imagining what the residents’ lives will be like when tourists and guided tours begin coming, how much disruption of their routine, how many restrictions on their movement for security reasons. And what will happen as a result, with all that implies…simply disgusting.


While we stood there we heard shots from H2 and saw smoke rising but we couldn’t see anything else.


At about 18:00, when it was already dark, we returned and saw all the laborers returning home through the Meitar crossing and being picked up by the many vehicles. How much time remains to them for resting and family, until two in the morning when they leave again for work?