Dura-Al Fawwar Junction, Hebron

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Nili, Hagit B. (reporting): Translator: Charles K.

And this is what we saw:


Two additional vehicle lanes have been opened at the Meitar crossing.  Today it’s possible to enter and exit via four inspection stations.  The line has really become shorter.


The balloon floats above Beit Haggai.


At the Dura al-Fawwar junction – seven youths throwing stones, seven soldiers confronting them.  The jeep approaches them and fires tear gas and smoke grenades.  The gas spreads also to where we’re standing and our eyes tear.  An additional military jeep is parked beyond the junction, next to the grove of trees, waiting for the stone throwers, but they’re not there.  There’s also a flying checkpoint there on our way back.


At the Beit Haggai checkpoint every car leaving Hebron is inspected.  At any given moment we counted at least 22 cars.  A traffic jam was created at the entry and exit.  Yaron, the Beit Haggai security coordinator, came to check us.  We didn’t give him our IDs before he showed us a police ID.  We parted with a handshake.


There’s a similar checkpoint at Kvasim junction, though cars there are checked randomly.  Another military jeep at the entrance to Bani Na’im guards a police car imposing fines.

Renovations continue as Hassam HaShoter/Tarpat checkpoint.  New Hebrew signs on the buildings up to Tel Rumeida – “Tarpat Street.”


The soldier next to Beit HaMeriva who provides security for the Jewish settlers inspects permits allowing vehicle passage.  Very few cars receive permits.  Only 28 people have permits at present, out of 40,000 Palestinians living in Area H2.

Soldiers at the Worshippers Route stop a boy and ask him for an ID.  He’s young, doesn’t have one yet.  They call his mother to come from home and the soldiers release the boy.


Many paratroops flags opposite the Cave of the Patriarchs.  Tables set on the grass.  Today the unit’s commander is being relieved and there’s a party for him.  That’s why there are more soldiers in Hebron today than usual.


The occupation goes on.