Barta'a-Reihan, Tura-Shaked

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Rachel H., Noah L. Translation: Yael Bassis-Student


07:50 – 08:20 Tura-Shaked

It is a little late and most people had probably already crossed. At this time  relatively few people arrive and they go through fast and without delays, on both sides. This is true for vehicles as well.


0830 – 0910  Barta'a-Rihan

 We are  impressed by the longer sleeveinfo-icon. The reason for this development us unclear. Traffic is heavy, mostly from the direction of the West Bank into the Seam Line zone. The car park (on the side of the Seam Line zone) is full. As we were going down the sleeve we were told that many people ae waiting inside, despite the constant stream of people coming out.


Two windows are open and it appears that the delay doesn’t stem from there but rather from the chambers inside. Before we left one window had closed.

We timed it – passage of one person took 20 minutes. Apparently earlier many more people had waited longer. Despite the above, those going through seem as friendly as always.