Barta'a-Reihan, Tura-Shaked

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Yocheved G., Hanah H. (reporting), Translation: Yael Bassis-Student


15:30 Shaked-Tura checkpoint

The checkpoint is closed. There are 3 military vehicles on site, with soldiers. Three Palestinians are waiting to cross over into the West Bank. The soldiers tell us that there was a rally on the West Bank side but they wouldn't tell us its cause. One of those waiting told us that he heard of rock-throwing, and a driver said that a new mosque was inaugurated in the village today (it is unclear if that is the reason for the gathering). In the meantime more and more vehicles, as well as pedestrians, arrive and wait for passage. On the side of the West Bank we were unable to see if people were waiting to cross over.



15:45 Soldiers cross to the side of the West Bank and we left to the checkpoint at Rihan. We did return at 16:50 and saw that the gatesinfo-icon were opened on time and everyone had gone through.


16:00 – Rihan-Barta'a checkpoint

People are returning home from work and cross without delays. From Jenin there are families and workers. They tell us that in the morning passage was swift into the Seam Line zone, apparently due to  the inclement weather not so many people had gone to work early this morning. The new "Bonjour" kiosk of  presents a menu and price list in Arabic. (Reminder: it is owned by settlers from Hermesh.)