Barta'a-Reihan, Tura-Shaked

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Roni Sh., Hanna H., (Reporting). Translation: Bracha B.A.


Reihan-Barta'a Checkpoint, 06:00

The upper parking lot is filled with cars and people.  Most of the people are satisfied with the speed of passing through the checkpoint today. Those who arrived at 05:30 were already out by 06:00.  T. tells us that elderly workers at other checkpoints do not pass through the machine as they do in Reihan, and this accounts for a significant delay.  After 06:00 people cross quickly, within 10-15 minutes.  It is quiet in the terminal and people go in immediately.   


Shaked – Tura Checkpoint 06:55

The soldiers arrive and open the gatesinfo-icon.  At 07:05 two teachers and a worker cross to the seamline zone.  Next to the turnstile there is a lot of shouting.  A femals soldier is trying to organize the people crossing from the West Bank and have them wait in line, far away from the turnstile, and people are entering the inspection room in groups of five.  When order returns crossing is orderly and quiet.  Cars go in both directions and the students cross quickly without being checked.