Bethlehem (300)

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Rachel M., Dvora P.,



Bethlehem 13 January, 2014 
Rachel M. Dvora P., 
Translator: Naomi Gal


It is  a cold but pleasant morning. We asked one of the waiting people about the situation and were told in reply “menich” (fine), which appeased our minds.

Many people are crowded in the exit hall. Six windows are operating. After a short while two windows are closed but the flow of people waiting increases.

The security guard who noticed the pressure approached one of the soldiers and asked him to help check people manually to speed up the passage. Indeed, within 10 minutes the two halls were empty. 

One of the men turned to us with his hand bandaged. He told us he was injured at work and was instructed by his employer to contact Social Security to get a refund for his medical expenses. 
So far he has paid out  500 Shekels.  Is there an acceptable practice that is legal and practical to receive rights deserved under the law?