'Azzun, Falamiya, Jubara (Kafriat), Tue 23.7.13, Morning

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Nurit Popper, Tikva Tabachnik, Naomi Bentsur (reporting), Nadim (driving)

Translator:  Charles K.


09:30  We left from the Rosh Ha’Ayin train station.

09:45  Azzun.  The checkpoint at the entrance is open.  No military presence.

10:00  We approach the Falamya agricultural gate.  A long excavation visible on the opposite ridge.  A new fence?  A pickup truck belonging to the Palestinian Authority is parked at the entrance to the gate.  Two young men, from the Palestinian Ministry of Agriculture, sit inside.  Their job is to inspect the agricultural lands.  How long have they been at the entrance?  About two hours.  Why don’t they enter?  They show us their individual permits from the DCO, which they received as employees of the Palestinian Authority.  They’re perfectly valid and allow them through to the lands.  We speak to a male and a female soldier at the gate, ask why the delay.  They explain very seriously:  “Yes, these two people are permitted to enter, but not their vehicle.”  Why?  “Because it has no permit…”
We return to the prohibited vehicle.  They say the Ministry of Agriculture has a number of vehicles.  When they go out on the job in the morning they’re given one, randomly.  So they have no way of arranging a vehicle permit in advance.  So they sit wasting time each day.  The same thing occurs not only at Falamya but also at Tzofin, Habla, Jayyous.  After a while the call comes from the DCO:  the vehicle is approved.  The daily harassment ended well today…

We continue north, passing Falamya village on the way.  Vegetable gardens are planted among the houses.  A large, impressive school building.  Greenhouses on both sides of the road leading out of the village.


10:45  Jubara.  Both checkpoints at the entrance to the village have been removed, the second a month ago.  Their traces are still visible on the ground.  We stop at the municipal building.  A number of people wait for the head of the municipality; we join them.  We have a quick talk with him.  We learn that almost all the village lands are defined as Area C.  They have olive groves beyond the fence.  Residents receive permits to access their land only once a year, during the olive harvest.  Their biggest problem at present is the cost of water.  The village has a well and pump that runs on fuel oil.  To reduce expenses they want to switch to an electric pump.  But despite the fact that the well is on their land, (Area C) they need a permit from the occupation authorities in Beit El.  And it doesn’t arrive.

Otherwise, says the head of the municipality, there are no problems with the settlers or the army.

We’d have to arrange another meeting to receive more detailed information.


On the way back:  Three soldiers stationed at the Te’anim checkpoint.  We see no vehicles.


11:30  Back to Rosh Ha’Ayin.