Bethlehem (300), Etzion DCL, Sun 2.6.13, Morning

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Sylvia and Hannah A. (reporting), Translator: Naomi Gal


07:00 Bethlehem Checkpoint 300

There are many people outside. They all complain about the long and difficult passage. They claim there was a break in passing before 06:30. Inside the hall there are many men but the passage is swift, thanks to the security people who skim the documents.

We met one of the women of EAPPI who promised to send us the exact number of the people who passed this morning. When we asked about the delay today the security people said that they just had a lot of people.

EAPPI's response came after we returned to Jerusalem and it was: 4999 people passed between the hours of 04:00 to 07:30. It's really a very large number.

At 07:25 the hall was empty and people arrived one by one. 

08:00 Etzion DCO 
Quite a few people were waiting for us specifically and there were hardly any others since the DCO opens only at 12:00 on Sundays.