Qalandiya, Fri 12.4.13, Morning

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Hanna Baraag (reporting); Martin (guest)
Seriously? Does this make us safer?

Translator: Charles K.


On the way to prayers – only in Israel!

At 08:30 we arrived at the checkpoint. In the “cages” were old men and women on their way to Friday prayer at Al-Aksa. Many lean on canes, standing on line with difficulty. One of the women was on the verge of collapse; only with the help of those standing in front and behind her was she able to go through. Although the line isn’t long, and the crossing goes relatively quickly – where else in the world do people on their way to prayer pass through cages like cows to milking?


When we left at 10:00 the area was empty, and not even dirty – wonder of wonders.


Nothing to report – because the occupation is the occupation, and until it stops denying Palestinians their civil rights we’ll continue to report the dehumanization at the checkpoints which is an inherent component of rule over another people.


End the occupation!!