Etzion DCL, Thu 21.3.13, Afternoon

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Shlomit S., Ora A. (reporting)


Naomi Gal translatio


Etzion DCL, 14:10 PM: out of the DCL surges an old man looking puzzled. He says that he received an entry permit to Jerusalem to undergo surgery at St John Hospital and a permit for one of his two sons to accompany him, but it turned out that this son could not accompany him, so he asked for a permit for the other son. They refused. Without even explaining why. Shlomit spoke with officer R. who is always willing to help. The man was ushered in again and after a short while came out satisfied.  The son got a permit.

Young Christians asked for entry permits at Easter and did not get them. We inquired and were told that a representative of the church must call and ask for their permits. They called the representative, he spoke with a person at the DCL and the permits were granted.

An older man addressed us complaining that his equipment for building roads was confiscated. He worked on building a road funded by international donors given to one of the municipalities. For three weeks he has been trying to get the equipment back, to no avail. His lawyer’s appeals didn’t help either.

Palestinians we met told that this past week a thousand olive trees belonging to residents of a village near Gush Etzion were destroyed.

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