'Azzun 'Atma, Eliyahu Crossing, Habla, Huwwara, Za'tara (Tapuah), Thu 1.11.12, Afternoon

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Dina A., Yehudit Levin (reporting, photographing)

Translator: Hanna K.



A hot and humid day


A considerable presence of military vehicles

During the night a few constructions were taken off from one of the ridges which was taken by the settlers of Yitzhar

13:45 Habla CP – Sparse traffic of passers by. All are being checked in room, vehicles are checked first by the soldiers, then the driver goes to be checked in the room.

14:00 Eliyahu CP – Many vehicles are waiting in the queue to enter Israel.

14:40 Huwwara CP – A lot of vehicles coming out of Nablus. There are no soldiers at the checking posts. From the CP building soldiers come over to us. To our question why there is such a load of vehicles coming from Nablus the answer is: "We work here, we perform all kinds of tasks". But the load breaks quickly up. In the tower near the hitch-hikers station of the Beraha settlement there is a soldier as well as in all the hitch hikers stations.

15.40 Za'tara CP. – A soldiers is posted at the

checking post but he is not checking the

passersby. There are soldiers at the guard tower.

Banners by the settlers are everywhere at the

CP. area


16.05 Azzun Atma – Palestinians worker returning from work.