Bethlehem (300), Etzion DCL, Thu 23.8.12, Afternoon

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Shlomit S., Ora Ardon (reporting), Charles K. (translating)





Etzion DCL,  14:20:  

three young people told us they’d requested permits to visit and help their relatives hospitalized in Hadassah after having been wounded in an attack on a Palestinian taxi near Bat Ayin.  They went in but didn’t receive permits.  Sharon, the officer, explained that Hadassah staff had complained that a large number of visitors crowds in and interferes with the treatment of the injured. They asked that additional permits not be granted.  The three young people claimed they won’t increase the congestion because they plan to relieve relatives already there and allow them to go home.  Shlomit spoke to Chana and with staff at Hadassah, and not long before the DCL was scheduled to close the youths were admitted and emerged gleefully. 

Like last week, Sharon displayed understanding and issued permits.