Salem - Stone Throwing, Remand Extension

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Lea Reichman (reporting)

Translation: Bracha Ben Avraham 

I came to observe the continuation of the trial of Mohammed Bassam Yehiye, B.'s nephew  (see report from Salem, 26.4.09).

There are fewer security guards in the courtroom today, but there is still noise that makes it difficult to hear and concentrate on the proceedings. The judge is speaking in a low voice.

-A tired and neglected-looking woman who looks about 35 years old is accused of entering a closed military zone. The defense claims that she had a stroke that has caused paralysis in her jaw and eye.  Her husband is not working, and there is no food in the house. They have four children and a babyinfo-icon.  The woman asks for forgiveness. 

She gets 40 days imprisonment, a fine of NIS 500, and 2 months' probation.

- The hearing for another detainee is postponed to 18.5.09.

- Another detainee was arrested when he was still a minor. He is accused of impeding a soldier from doing his duty. He admits to the accusation. In order to help him become integrated into society the judge eases his penalty to 40 days imprisonment and/or (?) a fine.

Mohammed Bassam Yehiyeh is brought for his second remand within one week.  The previous one was on Sunday, 26.4.09. 

The next hearing is set for 6.5.09

Mohammed exchanges sad glances with his father. 

Mohammed is accused of throwing stones and damaging an army vehicle.  Attorney Hareisi, his defense lawyer, tries to have the charge of damaging a vehicle crossed out. 

-Abu Habib receives remand extension by agreement of the two sides.

- A prisoner is released on bail (personal bond) of NIS 2000 until the date of his trial.  He will receive a summons to the trial.

Mohammed Mahmoud
is accused of a security-related crime. 

The defense asks to ease the penalty and notes that the detainee has no previous record.  He gets 40 days imprisonment, and can converse a third of it (as far as I heard) for a fine of NIS 500.

However, it suddenly becomes clear that he has already served his time and must "only" pay the fine.