Hebron, Sansana (Meitar Crossing), South Hebron Hills, Thu 23.8.12, Morning

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Judy, Yael (reporting)

9:00 Meitar crossing was empty, all the workers have arrived at their destinations.

Road 60 was also empty.


Hebron was quiet, with a few children going to bring soup from the mosque and from some reason returning with empty pails. There is an outdoor market in the street above the Muslim cemetery. It gave the impression of being crowded with people and honking vehicles. We climbed the path to Tel Rumeida following the trail markers put there by the settlers to show the path to biblical Hebron. The settlers were uninterested in our presence. On the fence of the Cordoba

Girls' School there is a graffitti in Hebrew written over a delicate painting, which was erased, but the painting is still damaged. On our return, we stopped for coffee at Abed’s and met Avner from Breaking the Silence who is leading a group on a tour of Hebron along a-Shuhada Street. At Abed’s shop, the renovations are proceeding with the Gulf States providing the funding for the renovations, not only for Abed, but for other projects in Hebron. We were impressed.


On our return via the settlements of Carmel and Maon, everything was quiet with few cars on the road.