Reihan, Shaked, Tue 26.6.12, Afternoon

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Hanah H.

15:30 Shaked checkpoint

The gatesinfo-icon are open and the bored soldiers sing and dance. The new roads and sidewalks are painted with new signs, including a"No parking" sign.

Occasionally pedestrians as well as vehicles cross over to both directions.


16:00 Reihan checkpoint

Israeli police vehicles patrol the Seam Line zone and stops Palestinian vehicles. A van with 3 women and 8 small children is delayed at the vehicles' inspection post in the direction of the West Bank. One of the passengers and three children are directed to go through the terminal and the rest sit under the shed. The driver starts talking to the female security person who calls her supervisor. It turns out that the police has stopped him on his way to the checkpoint. In the end the women and children and their many suitcases walk through the checkpoint while the van is delayed. It is unclear  what the driver is waiting for.


16:10  Many workers arrive on their way to the West Bank. There are also quite a few returning from the West Bank. 2 inspection windows are open, people enter the terminal immediately and passage is swift on both directions.