Qalandiya, Tue 5.6.12, Morning

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Avital T., Ina F. (reporting)

Lines extended into the parking lot when we arrived just after 6 a.m.. All five booths were opened by 06:15, which is also when the Humanitarian Gate was first opened to allow a large crowd through. Thereafter the Humanitarian Gate was opened every 10 minutes or so, and at one point it was left open for about 10 minutes – as the officers could not reach it to close it – and every new arrival immediately went through (until one was asked the close the gate behind him and complied). Those using the Humanitarian Gate were allowed to join any of the five lines to the checking stations (rather than being restricted to Checking Station #5).

Lines leading to the three cage-like passages continued to extend to the back of the hall until 07:30 but had shortened considerably – and no one was standing by the Humanitarian Gate - when we left at 07:45.

Only one of the 12 neon lights in the shed’s ceiling is operational (it must be very spooky there before dawn).