Abu Dis, Ras Abu Sbitan (Olive Terminal), Sheikh Saed, Thu 3.5.12, Morning

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Rahel M., Michaela R. (reporting)


In general: Very quiet, almost no pupils.
6:5 Sheikh Saed
Crossing is fast and smooth like a well-oiled machine; almost no children.
7:15 Olive Terminal
From the outside, here too it seems that people cross quickly.  Here too there are only a few children.
We stood in the third corridor behind a number of women.  The corridor closed.  We pressed the appropriate button but nothing happened.
We crossed to the second corridor, and within minutes a line formed.  Waiting time grew longer.
Conclusion: Palestinians will always wait at the checkpoint.  If there are no children, the active corridors can be reduced.  Otherwise one might mistake this for a crossing-point instead of a check-point.