Jaba (Lil), Qalandiya, Mon 26.3.12, Morning

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Judy Orstav, Maya Bailey (reporting)

06:20  We arrive  and  all is  working  well.  There is a new DCO  officer  who overlooks  the cages and  especially the humanitarien gate.  
The  pupils and  old people go through fast  and  the checking  takes a few minutes  .
The place looks a mess as always, we see it was swept  but  people throw  everything on the floor, with a few  exceptions who make it to the garbage bins.  Some  benches are missing, there is still only one neon light for the entire hall  and it all looks depressing.  We  are  told  that  at  4 a.m.  the lines  are bigger.  What a way  to start  your day  
In Jaba, the  cars  stand in line  as usual  and no one  checks any of them .
Getting back to town takes an  hour at least.