South Hebron Hills, Sun 19.2.12, Morning

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Zipi and Yael (reporting) M. at the wheel

Translator:  Charles K.

We started early; it was raining and very cold.  We saw very few laborers at the Sansana checkpoint.  The parking lot on the Palestinian side was almost completely deserted.  After a few days of rain and snow in the Hebron area, it’s obvious that no one will be working in construction and in the fields on a day like this.  The fruit and vegetable sellers, fewer than usual, huddle together out of the rain under a canopy at the side of the checkpoint and offer us coffee.

We continued on Highway 60.  We were “kings of the road,” alone on the highway.  The rain fell harder, turned into hail and then heavy snow as we approached Kiryat Arba.  We never reached Hebron because the road grew slippery and dangerous.  The car began showing signs it was in trouble so we turned around and drove to Be’ersheva.  Well, there’s always tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next week, and on and on.  The occupation isn’t going anywhere.