Qalandiya, Sun 29.1.12, Morning

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Rivka P., Pnina H. (reporting). Trans. Judith Green

The line spills over to the other side of the road.  Nothing is moving, the turnstiles only open occasionally, the line keeps lengthening;  as usual, only 3 sleeves are open.  What new things can we write in our weekly reports?  Everything remains the same.  "For the sake of testimony" impels me and my companions on this shift.  True, we are faithful witnesses to this humiliation of human beings, to the harassment.  We give people work permits and then they are prevented from getting to work in a human, reasonable fashion;  they are crowded between fences for 2 hours.  At 4:30 AM they settle into place in line in order to arrive at work by 07:00.  Sometimes, they don't manage to get there in time and are fired.  We blame them for the fact that they sometimes jump over the fences, push their comrades, we call them "animals".  "They behave like animals".  But who brought them to this embarrassing state?  We did.  We are the ones who harass them body and soul, we are the ones who stand them up, crowded between fences for 2 hours.  And what do we, MachsomWatch, do to help them by standing there?  Maybe by listening to their distress?  I wish that were true.  But the truth is that our empathy does not bring them any income and does not compensate for the daily humiliation that they experience.
I wish that someone would finally do something to bring back our long lost self-esteem.