Etzion DCL, Tue 17.1.12, Afternoon

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Yael L.-J., Avital F., Chana S. (reporting)


14.45 pm. Etzion DCL: two men were waiting at the carousel, but no soldier at the window.  We phoned and soon a soldier came and admitted them, then disappeared.  This happened a few times- each time we phoned – and caused some mutual irritation!

One man from Bethlehem came for a magnetic card.  The soldier would not admit him as it was not the right day (the man said he had already tried the previous day) and that the room upstairs was full and they had to complete service there by 5 o’clock.  According to him, admittance was until 4 o’clock because of the crowd upstairs. (By the way, this did not jibe with what people coming out told us – they said there were very few people waiting upstairs.)  On the other hand, he said that he would be on duty the next morning and promised to admit the man then.


Another man rushed in excitedly with a form (from a hospital?), saying he had to accompany his wife(?)  but, as far as we could understand, had difficulties with Security.  We suggested that he go upstairs and, if he did not receive a permit, we would try making phone calls.  He disappeared inside but we did not see him again.


A young man came to the police as he has a long overdue traffic fine.  There was no policeman on duty, it being ‘after-hours.’  We advised him to check in the morning that a policeman was on duty. We also gave him Chaya’s phone number in case Machsomwatch could help him to negotiate the fine. (No doubt we will be meeting him on our rounds on Monday morning!).


A doctor came out together with a young man.  The doctor was upset and indignant. The young man’s mother was due to have serious surgery on Thursday.  As a doctor, he was given an entry permit but he felt the soldiers thought he was ‘joking’ [his word] about his companion.  Fortunately, we managed to make contact with the representative of the health humanitarian authority to whom he could give details, in Arabic. She said she would clarify and would call back to him.  As we were about to leave, we gave him her phone number in case she did not reply soon, as well as the phone number of Physicians for Human Rights.