Qalandiya, Mon 5.12.11, Morning

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Judy Orstav and Maya Bailey ( reporting)

5:40.  We now go earlier.  The situation is insoluble. There are not enough passages for the amount of people trying to get to work before 7 a.m. and to many students, women, old and sick to make it possible to go through fast enough for everyone to get to work on time.

And then there is the lack of care. Israel really does not care if these people can make it to a job on time, make enough money to feed their families, or live without the daily frustration and humiliation.

We arrive, there are not that many people, it seems, but the pushing, trying to jump the line, cursing and shouting is incredible.

Why can't we do it right ???

Because nobody gives a hoot. If these were Jews there would be such an uproar, the country would be in a state of revolution. But since we are dealing with Palestinians, it can go on day after day. They feel humiliated and many just give up and go home, to loose another working day.

We talk to some, just to express our empathy and get the same response: why can't you do it properly, with enough passages and checking stations to prevent the daily suffering ?

We have nothing to say except be ashamed.