Reihan, Shaked, Sat 3.12.11, Morning

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Rachel H. (Reporting), A., (Guest)

Translation: Bracha B.A.

07:00 – 07:40 – Shaked-Tura Checkpoint

It is a clear and very cold day.  We were greeted by the yellow and black flags of the Kfir Brigade, with a vampire emblem. 

The checkpoint is open.  Two men and two women soldiers are in the area between the two gatesinfo-icon and another is in the position above. A lot of people are waiting on the Tura side. They cross without delay and continue on to work. A tractor, two small trucks, and private cars also cross.  A donkey crosses to Tura and a horse crosses in the direction of Dar al Kalakh. Our guest photographs the horse.  Despite the fact that she did not photograph soldiers, the soldier ordered her not to take pictures of soldiers, and told her, "You can photograph horses somewhere else." We stood above the checkpoint and he went off to do his job.  Cars are being meticulously checked, and hoods are opened as well as doors.   By 07:40 the herd of goats has not crossed yet.  We continued on to Barta'a.   

07:55 – Reihan Barta'a Checkpoint

12 vans are waiting and a lot of people are getting into cars on their way to Barta'a.   A line of cars leaves the garden near the inspection point.  We can hear a dog barking. A checkpoint attendant comes and closes the doors to the inspection facility garden.  He shouts something having to do with "Kahana was right".  

The minibus to Barta'a is standing next to the position on the road.  We could see the passengers placing their cards on the box outside the facility instead of swiping them through the slot.  Drivers still have to collect the IDs of their passengers and show them at the booth.  

One window is open inside the terminal.  We hear voices from the line of people crossing, they are attempting to convince one of the inspectors about something to do with a photograph on someone's ID.  They have evidently succeeded because after about 10 minutes everyone came out.  Meanwhile a line has formed on the way to the inspection rooms. The attendant calls and asks for help.   "Guard!  Why are they standing here?"   She has stopped the turnstile, and it began working again a few minutes later. Four people were sitting and waiting next to the wall, but we didn't understand why.

At 08:20 a second window opened and the crowd disappeared.  Some people said they had waited a half hour, and others said they had gone through quickly.

We left at 08:30.