Reihan, Shaked, Tue 4.10.11, Morning

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Yoheved G., Hanna H. (Reporting)

Translation: Bracha B.A.

Reihan Barta'a Checkpoint, 06:00

A few people are waiting in the upper parking lot. They tell us that the checkpoint has opened at 05:00 but crossing was very slow. There are delays with the machine (the magnometer) and they have to go through it several times. There are no delays at the entrance to the terminal. At 06:20 the traffic of people coming out increases and then the terminal is quiet. A merchant who is a resident of Kaffin is delayed and told that he has to cross at Jalameh or at Ephraim Gate.

06:30 – the machine is now working properly and people are coming out quickly. A farmer from Araka who has fields near the Shahak Industrial zone has not received an agricultural permit because archeological excavations are being conducted on his land.

Shaked-Tura Checkpoint – 06:30

The checkpoint opened at 06:00. Most of the workers have already crossed. There seem to be more workers than usual. A representative from the Liaison and Coordination Administration arrives and informs us that the olive harvest has begun and that A'anin checkpoint is now open every day. Since the workers have already crossed, the students and teachers cross more quickly. The question is now long this more efficient arrangement will last. Protective walls have been built around the waiting area. Who and what are they for?