Hebron, Tarqumiya, Mon 8.8.11, Morning

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Tzipi Z., Yael, Driver and Interpreter: Abu Rami

Translation: Bracha B.A.

At Michal's request we began our shift at Tarquomiya in order to check the physical conditions on the Palestinian side of the checkpoint. We found that the area is neglected and dirty: the roof of the shelter was torn and so was the shelter itself. There are only two crossing points in the sleeveinfo-icon and hundreds of people cross through here every day. The entire area is filthy and there are no toilets or drinking fountains. 

.  We spoke with Tzion, the manager, who informed us that they has requested that a drinking fountain and squatting toilets be installed.  All this is due to take place before the end of September. We will follow up.   

From there we drove to Hebron via the north Hebron Road. At the entrance to the main road there was a military vehicle, but there was no one about except soldiers. It is Ramadan and at 09:00 in the morning no one is present except for the soldiers.