Etzion DCL, Sun 20.3.11, Morning

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Silvia, Ofra, Hanna A. (reporting)

7:00 am, Checkpoint 300, Bethlehem:  due to closureinfo-icon there are almost no people. One window is open. We leave after 15 minutes.

7:45 am, Etzion DCL:  some 5 persons have arrived and are walking around the parking lot, wondering if the DCO will open.  We call and learn that the DCO will indeed open.  Around 8:00 two officers arrived to open.  The people went into the waiting hall and after some 15 minutes they were all let inside, and we are ready to leave.  Only one man prevents us with questions about how to get rid of his police interdiction.

8:30 am  Our shift for the day is over.