Mevo Dotan (Imriha), Reihan, Shaked, Sat 7.5.11, Morning

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Noa L., Rachel H. (reporting, taking pictures)


7:25-08:10 Shaked Gate CP
It is cold and raining.
Many people are standing on both sides of the inspection pavilion. Usually it is very crowded at this time of day. And then every few minutes, we hear shouts (!!!)

"Back….. Back!.... you won't enter until you stand back!!"

Those coming out tell us that the people are not waiting in a queue; that is why there is yelling and there are delays. Waiting time for passage to Tura was ten to fifteen minutes. From the direction of Tura, the last person in the queue when we arrived had been waiting for at least 40 minutes.

One of the people coming out mentioned that today things are especially bad. The cars are inspected very pedantically, as well as the donkey and the sacks on its back.

An older man wanted to go through to Tura with a young boy. They stood there for a long time facing the inspection pavilion.

From the loud voices, the telephone calls, the waving around of the papers, and the intervention of one of the military police – we could deduce that there was some problem with the registration of the boy. In the end after about half an hour, they went through.

08:30-08:45 Mavo Dothan CP
Cars are parked behind the yellow bars at the entrance into the CP. There is a strong smell of smoke. There are four reservist soldiers (one on Tower 3 below). One of them approaches to see who we are, understood and left us alone. A jeep with some officers arrived.

The vehicle traffic is orderly in both directions.

08:50 Reihan
The lower parking lot is full. At the entry post (from the direction of the south) we declared that we had not brought anything in nor had we taken anything out of the CP. 12 Transits are waiting. People are coming out. They say that everything is ok. The corridors look empty.

We hear loud voices from close to the roof of the structure to the woman who is standing in the post.

The passage is continual in both directions.

09:15  We left.