Qalandiya, Mon 23.5.11, Afternoon

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Hanna B. and Phyillis W. (reporting)

 14:30, Qalandiya:  At this hour the CP looked quite abandoned – there were no lines in either of the two active passageways and very few "clients" could be seen in the DCO waiting shed.  During the rest of the afternoon, the flow of people through the CP increased somewhat, but no long lines formed and the entry carousel to the pedestrian CP remained open.  A similar situation was observed in the transit CP for bus passengers where lines remained quite short all afternoon.  On the other hand, the line of vehicles from Ramallah was quite long, backed up about 500 m. on the road.  Although the line was long it appeared to make steady but slow progress.

Signs of last week's battles were still evident in the parking lot – the sidewalk along the fence was covered with a litter of stones that had been thrown.

16:15:  A man entered Passageway 5, on his way to the DCO offices.  We were sure that he would not be allowed through at this late hour, but he shouted to attract attention of the soldiers on duty and they immediately opened the carousel.

I left Qalandiya at 4:30 PM and returned to Jerusalem via Lil/Jabba and Hizmeh CPs.  Traffic was flow